Conference Archives

NACCS 2005

Visión: Articulating, Imagining, and
Contextualizing Chicana/o Spaces

In the midst of change, Chicana/o visions shift, re-articulate, and imagine themselves at different moments to meet the demands of the contextual spaces that seek attention, spaces that need difference, or spaces that need articulation. La Visión is in the mind, in the mind’s eye, in the hand, and in the body. Chicana/o Studies scholarship reflects these in the questions that are asked, the research methods that are used, and dialogues that are created across the various communities engendered by these scholarships.Papers are solicited on all of these issues of articulating, imagining, and contextualizing Chicana/o Studies. In addition, papers will also be considered outside of this theme and these issues.

Hyatt Regency
Miami, FL
April 13-17, 2005 

Conference Program (pdf)

NACCS Scholar: Gloria Anzaldua

Cervantes Recipients

Other Information: 

COMPAS Anti War Panels
The Cuban Revolution, the Chicano Movement, Chicano Studies: the NACCS Political Stance on the War on Terrorism
Contreras, Raoul. Indiana University Northwest.
Valdes, Dennis. Michigan State University.
Nunez, Rene. San Diego State University.
The Cuban Revolution and the Chicano Struggle in the United States: Building an Acercamiento
Navarro, Armando. University of California, Riverside.
Gonzales, Maria Anna. University of California, Riverside.
Acuña, Rudolfo. California State University, Northridge.
Rodriguez, Cirenio. California State University, Sacramento.

Chicana Plenary
Chicanas/Latinas and Globalization
Elisa Facio, University of Colorado.
  "'Jineteras': A Transnational Chicana Feminist Analysis of Cuban Sex workers."
Maria Eva Valle, University of Redlands. "Building Communities:Latina Immigrant Women Networks and Intra-Ethnic Solidarity"
Karleen Pendleton Jimenez, York University.  "Landing Toronto: Latinas Write from the Northern Tip of the Americas."
Maria Soldatenko, Chair, Chicana Caucus. Moderator.

Student Plenary
2005 Fredrick A. Cervantes Research Paper Recepients
Marie Sarita Gaytan, University of California, Santa Cruz.
Graduate Student Recipient. "From Sombreros to Sincronizadas:  Authenticity, Ethnicity, and Representation in the Mexican Restaurant Industry."
Arlene Carrasco, University of California, Irvine. Undergraduate Student Recipient. "Mental Health Perceptions and Help-Seeking Behaviors Amongst the Mexican-American Community."
Ernesto Martinez, University of Binghamton. Moderator.